Karen Cole

Karen Cole

RIAA Barker Gillette (UK) LLP

Solicitor (England and Wales/N.I.)


  • London

First Floor, Cavendish House, 18 Cavendish Square, London, W1G 0PJ, United Kingdom

020 72996909

karen.cole [at] riaabg.com


Karen has a range of expertise based on her background working in both employment law and dispute resolution & litigation.

Karen now focuses on providing employment law advice to both businesses and individuals, whether contentious or not in nature. She has vast experience in advising a broad range of businesses across different industry sectors as well individuals employed at all levels of seniority.
Disclaimer: ELA members self-certify that they are qualified lawyers and practice employment law for at least 25% of their time. ELA is not a regulatory body and does not vouch for the quality of service of any member appearing in the membership directory. A member’s inclusion in the directory does not constitute any kind of recommendation.