Elliott Stenson

Elliott Stenson

9 St John Street Chambers

Barrister (England and Wales/N.I.)


  • North West

9 St John Street, Manchester, M3 4DN, United Kingdom

Elliott.stenson [at] 9sjs.com

Elliott undertakes a diverse range of tribunal work, from preliminary hearings to multi-day discrimination proceedings. He acts in all areas of employment. He also has a varied paper practice, ranging from drafting applications and statements of case to schedules of loss and skeleton arguments.

Prior to obtaining pupillage, Elliott completed his law masters at the University of Bristol, specialising in individual employment rights, which he passed with distinction.

Outside of academic studies, Elliott was employed as a legal rights advisor at Working Families, a national charity providing employment law advice to working parents. In doing so, he provided written and oral advice, conducted webinars, and appeared on BBC Radio and the Mayor of London’s Employment Law Hub. Elliott provided guidance on discrimination, unfair dismissal, and flexible working. This legal advice service won the Excellence In House award at the 2021 Law Society Awards.

Elliott regularly receives positive reviews from both solicitors and lay clients on his work:

"Elliott was a pleasure to deal with. He was responsive and helpful. He was good with our witnesses who had not attended a Tribunal hearing before. He grasped the legal and factual issues quickly. He gave a clear view on prospects and he made a big contribution towards a great outcome for the business in this case."

Disclaimer: ELA members self-certify that they are qualified lawyers and practice employment law for at least 25% of their time. ELA is not a regulatory body and does not vouch for the quality of service of any member appearing in the membership directory. A member’s inclusion in the directory does not constitute any kind of recommendation.