Edward Wanambwa

Edward Wanambwa

Russell-Cooke LLP

Solicitor (England and Wales/N.I.)


  • London

2 Putney Hill, London, SW15 6AB, United Kingdom

020 8394 6445

edward.wanambwa [at] russell-cooke.co.uk

Edward is a partner in the Employment Team and specialises in all aspects of employment law. Edward's considerable experience of advising UK, US and multi-national public and limited companies on employment law matters includes advising on: National and City HR issues, including executive appointments and dismissals and bonus and boardroom disputes; International employment arrangements and disputes; HR issues on behalf of international companies with subsidiaries in the UK, particularly US companies; Restrictive covenant and confidentiality arrangements; The drafting and negotiation of employment related documentation, including service agreements, consultancy agreements and compromise agreements; Employment issues, including the application of TUPE, arising out of domestic and international business transfers; Reorganisations, outsourcings and offshorings; Data protection and privacy; Edward is also experienced in advising employees on the protection and enforcement of their rights in the workplace. He regularly appears in the media to comment on employment law developments, including appearances on television, radio and in national newspapers.
Disclaimer: ELA members self-certify that they are qualified lawyers and practice employment law for at least 25% of their time. ELA is not a regulatory body and does not vouch for the quality of service of any member appearing in the membership directory. A member’s inclusion in the directory does not constitute any kind of recommendation.