Catherine Urquhart

Catherine Urquhart

42 Bedford Row

Barrister (England and Wales/N.I.)


  • London


  • Employee focused workplace issues
  • Advocacy: Employment Tribunal/Employment Appeal Tribunal
  • Advising employees on settlement agreements

11 Staple Inn, London, WC1V 7QH, United Kingdom


catherine.urquhart [at]

Catherine was called to the Bar in 2010 and obtained pupillage, and then tenancy, at Ely Place Chambers. In 2020 she joined 42 Bedford Row. She specialises in employment and discrimination work, and she appears for both claimants and respondents in the Employment Tribunal and Employment Appeal Tribunal. She undertakes all types of employment work, from preliminary hearings through to multi-day final hearings. She is prepared to travel to tribunals around the country. In particular, she has experience of unfair dismissal claims (including constructive dismissal), discrimination, whistleblowing, employment status and interim relief hearings, as well as applications for strike out, deposit orders and costs.


  • Fixed fee for basic advice on terms and effect of a settlement agreement. (Fee starting from: 0.00 + VAT)

*Fixed fee arrangements will be based upon a scope of work set out in the member's engagement letter. (The scope may be limited and the eventual fee may be higher.)

Disclaimer: ELA members self-certify that they are qualified lawyers and practice employment law for at least 25% of their time. ELA is not a regulatory body and does not vouch for the quality of service of any member appearing in the membership directory. A member’s inclusion in the directory does not constitute any kind of recommendation.