Jacqueline Kendal

Jacqueline Kendal

Phillips Solicitors

Barrister (England and Wales/N.I.)


  • Lower South East

Town Gate, 38 London Street, Basingstoke, RG21 7NY, United Kingdom

Jacqueline.Kendal [at] phillips-law.co.uk

Jacqueline has a wealth of experience in all aspects of contentious and non-contentious employment work. She acts for a wide range of clients including public and private companies, not for profit organisations, high net worth individuals and senior executives. She prides herself on providing clients with timely, strategic and practical advice in order to achieve client’s expectations.

As a Barrister, Jacqueline has extensive experience in employment litigation which ranges from successfully defending employer clients in multiple discrimination and dismissal related claims to handling contractual disputes on behalf of employers and senior executives. She works closely with employer clients to protect their business interests, minimise the risk of employment disputes, manage internal disciplinary processes and grievances, assist with implementation of workplace policies and procedures and advise on complex TUPE matters. She has represented clients in the Employment Tribunal, Employment Appeal Tribunal as well as the High Court and County Courts.

Jacqueline frequently advises financial institutions and corporate clients on individual and team moves, executive terminations and the enforcement of restrictive covenants. Working with Rosling King’s Corporate Group, she also deals with the employment issues associated with corporate acquisitions and disposals.

Jacqueline regularly speaks at employment seminars and conferences on a variety of employment law topics and provides updates on key employment issues. She has also provided bespoke training for clients and continues to offer this on a range of employment law topics.
Disclaimer: ELA members self-certify that they are qualified lawyers and practice employment law for at least 25% of their time. ELA is not a regulatory body and does not vouch for the quality of service of any member appearing in the membership directory. A member’s inclusion in the directory does not constitute any kind of recommendation.